GA - Gateway Public API Client - User Manual


This document provides instructions for creating a public API client that can be used to connect to the Word & Brown General Agency Public API Gateway.


Sample Application

As a reference, the Word & Brown General Agency has provided a sample application that can be used for testing purposes. To obtain a copy of the sample application, please contact your Word & Brown representative.


Credentials must be obtained prior to connecting to the API Gateway. To request credentials, please contact your Word & Brown representative.

APIs (Carrier, Plan, Quote, Underwriting)

Base URL:

To ensure optimum usage of bandwidth and to provide a good response time, “Plan API” is split into 2 individual endpoints - Carrier and Plan. The following steps should be taken to initiate these endpoints:

  1. Call the Carrier API. This step will return a list of Carrier IDs that are available for the selected State and Effective Date.
  2. Programatically iterate the list of Carriers.
  3. Call the Plan API for ALL CARRIERS returned in Carrier API Call (one by one). This step will return all plans, rates, and benefits for the list of Carriers.

Carrier API

To obtain the list of carriers for a State and Effective Date:

Endpoint GET : /api/carriers?state=statecode&effectiveDate=date
Description: This API will return the list of Carrier IDs that are available for the selected State and Effective Date
Query string Parameters: state: Is 2 letter state code. Mandatory effectiveDate: Is a short date. Mandatory
Request Headers apiKey: apiKey received in email. Mandatory. secretCode: secretCode received in email. Mandatory

In the sample application, go to Carriers, fill in the fields, and click Get Carriers:

‘C# Code - Carriers’

Response Format

Carriers Error Response

  • Invalid Credentials
  • Date not provided
  • State not provided
  • Invalid Effective Date
  • apiKey not provided
  • secretCode not provided

Plan Api

To obtain the Plans, Rates and Benefits for the given Carrier with respect to the selected State and Effective Date based on the value of include* parameter.

include* :

  1. if include=plans, returns list of Plans along with the eligible Rating Areas’ Names. In this case, NQS PlanId and Area Name parameters will be ignored.

  2. if include=benefitsandrates, returns Plan Info along with the list of Area Rates and Benefits for the given plan. In this case, NQS PlanId must be provided.

  • if areaName is specified, returns Plan Info along with Area Rates and Benefits for the given area.
Endpoint GET : /api/plans?include=plans/benefitsandrates&carrierId=cid&state=sid&effectiveDate=date&planId=nqsPid&areaName=ratingAreaName
Description: This API will return a list of plans containing the following data: Plan Info, Area Rates, Benefits
Query string Parameters: include: Is either plans or benefitsandrates. carrierId: Is short string denoting carrier code. Mandatory. state: Is 2 letter state code. Mandatory effectiveDate: Is a short date. Mandatory planId: Is nqs plan id. Optional areaName: Is rating area name. Optional
Request Headers apiKey: apiKey received in email. Mandatory. secretCode: secretCode received in email. Mandatory

In the sample application, go to Plans, fill in the fields, and click Get Plans:

‘C# Code - Plans’

Plan Api Response Format

Plan Api Response

  • When no plans (benefits & rates) are found for the given criteria

Plan Api Error Response

  • Invalid Credentials
  • Date not provided
  • State not provided
  • Invalid Effective Date
  • CarrierId not provided
  • include provided other than plan/benefitsandrates
  • include = benefitsandrates and NqsPlanId not provided
  • Invalid NqsPlanId provided
  • NqsPlanId not ready for quoting
  • apiKey not provided
  • secretCode not provided

Quote API

To obtain quote information for a selected State, Effective Date, and Group Census:

Endpoint POST : /api/quote?state=sid
Description: This API will return quote data for a selected Effective Date (based on Group Census)
Query string Parameters: state: Is 2 letter state code. Mandatory
Request Headers apiKey: apiKey received in email. Mandatory. secretCode: secretCode received in email. Mandatory

Quote - Request Data Format

  • All Census fields in the initial request are mandatory. There should be at least one employee included in the request.

In the sample application, go to Quote, fill in the fields, and click ‘Get Quote’. To view the JSON Request structure, click ‘Show Request JSON’.

C# Code - Quote

Quote Response Format

Quote Error Response

  • Invalid Credentials
  • apiKey not provided
  • secretCode not provided
  • Effective Date not provided or is invalid.
  • Zip code not provided.
  • Missing Information (ex: Group Name, SIC Code, State, or Employee Information)

Underwriting API

Submit or Update underwriting information for a selected group.

Two interfaces are provided:

  1. Submit or Update Enrollment: To enter the enrollment data directly in the user interface.

  2. Upload Enrollment File: To upload a supplemental file containing the Enrollment data

Submit or Update Enrollment Interface

Endpoint POST : /api/underwriting?content=content
Description: This API will return the submission status for a Group
Query string Parameters: state: Is string containing state abbreviation. Mandatory
content: Is string containing the Enrollment Data. Mandatory
Request Headers apiKey: apiKey received in email. Mandatory.
secretCode: secretCode received in email. Mandatory
User Interface

In the sample application, go to Underwriting and select the Submit or Update Enrollment tab.

Enter the State, Api Key, Secret Code and Enrollment Data.

The Enrollment Data field can be filled in the following ways:

  1. Press the Paste Empty Enrollment button to paste JSON containing all of the fields, then edit to add data.

  2. Press the Paste Sample Enrollment button to paste JSON containing sample data.

  3. Enter data from manually.

The enumerated values for properties are shown below:

After all the required data has been entered click the Submit or Update Enrollment button to submit or update the group information.

On the successful processing of the enrollment data the API Response is displayed as shown below.

Note the caseGuid returned is the same as the one provided for an update to an existing Group or is the new caseGuid created for a new Group submission.

Enrollment Data Field JSON showing all possible fields.

The brokerLicense and brokerZip must have a value. The caseGuid must either be blank to create a new case or filled with an existing caseGuid to update the case.

The Other fields may also be required based on business requirements. Always remove unneeded fields.

    "caseGuid": "", 
    "brokerLicense": "string", 
    "brokerZip": "string", 
    "companies": [ 
          "companyName": "string", 
          "taxid": "string", 
          "address1": "string", 
          "address2": "string", 
          "city": "string", 
          "state": "string", 
          "zip": "string", 
          "county": "string", 
          "sicCode": "string", 
          "corporationType": "string", 
          "contacts": [ 
                   "name": "string", 
                   "phone": "1234567890", 
                   "email": "" 
          "payrollgroups": [ 
                   "name": "string", 
                   "payFrequency": "string", 
           "plans": [ 
                   "carrierName": "string", 
                   "planName": "string" 
           "enrollments": [ 
                   "groupnumber": "string", 
                   "policynumber": "string", 
                   "isEmployeeCovered": true, 
                   "isSpouseCovered": true, 
                   "isDomesticPartnerCovered": true, 
                   "areChildrenCovered": true 
    "members": [ 
          "eid": "string", 
          "underwritingCaseId": 0, 
          "firstname": "string", 
          "middleName": "string", 
          "lastname": "string", 
          "gender": "Male", 
          "dob": "02/02/2017", 
          "age": "string", 
          "maritalStatus": "string", 
          "isTobaccoUser": "Yes", 
          "address1": "string", 
          "address2": "string", 
          "city": "string", 
          "zip": "string", 
          "county": "string", 
          "state": "string", 
          "telephone": "1234567890", 
          "workphone": "1234567890", 
          "email": "", 
          "language": "English", 
          "canWritePrimaryLanguage": "Yes", 
          "canSpeakPrimaryLanguage": "Yes", 
          "ssn": "string", 
          "employeeHasAdditionalCoverage": "No", 
          "isWaivingCoverage": "No", 
          "waiverReason": "string", 
          "isCobra": "No", 
          "isLifeOnly": "No", 
          "isMedicare": "No", 
          "employeeNumber": "string", 
          "jobTitle": "string", 
          "employeeType": "Fulltime", 
          "jobClass": "string", 
          "hireDate": "02/02/2017", 
          "startDate": "02/02/2017", 
          "benefitEligibleDate": "02/02/2017", 
          "hoursPerWeek": "string", 
          "annualSalary": "string", 
          "payrollId": "string", 
          "payFrequency": "string", 
          "payrollGroup": "string", 
          "terminationDate": "02/02/2017", 
          "terminationReason": "string", 
          "coverageType": "", 
          "planType": "", 
          "carrierName": "string", 
          "planName": "string", 
          "primaryCareProviderId": "string", 
          "primaryCareProviderCity": "string", 
          "primaryCareProviderZip": "string", 
          "isPrimaryCareProviderCurrentDoctor": "No", 
          "primaryDentalOfficeId": "string", 
          "primaryDentalOfficeCity": "string", 
          "primaryDentalOfficeZip": "string", 
          "isPrimaryDentalOfficeCurrentDentist": "No", 
          "enrollmentStatus": "InProgress", 
          "signatureDate": "02/02/2017", 
          "lastLoginDate": "02/02/2017", 
          "lastModifiedDate": "02/02/2017", 
          "coverageChangeFrom": "string", 
          "coverageChangeTo": "string", 
          "planChangeTo": "string", 
          "employeeCostChangeFrom": "string", 
          "employeeCostChangeTo": "string", 
          "employerCostChangeFrom": "string", 
          "employerCostChangeTo": "string", 
          "dependents": [ 
                "dependentNumber": "string", 
                "dependentType": "", 
                "firstname": "string", 
                "middleName": "string", 
                "lastname": "string", 
                "gender": "", 
                "dob": "02/02/2017", 
                "age": "string", 
                "isDomesticPartner": "No", 
                "isTobaccoUser": "No", 
                "isStudent": true, 
                "isDisabled": false, 
                "address1": "string", 
                "address2": "string", 
                "city": "string", 
                "zip": "string", 
                "county": "string", 
                "state": "string", 
                "ssn": "string", 
                "coverageType": "", 
                "carrierName": "string", 
                "planName": "string", 
                "primaryCareProviderId": "string", 
                "primaryCareProviderCity": "string", 
                "primaryCareProviderZip": "string", 
                "isPrimaryCareProviderCurrentDoctor": "", 
                "primaryDentalOfficeId": "string", 
                "primaryDentalOfficeCity": "string", 
                "primaryDentalOfficeZip": "string", 
                "isPrimaryDentalOfficeCurrentDentist": "" 
C# Code - Submit or Update Enrollment
public async Task<ActionResult> Underwriting(string content, string state, string apiKey, string secretCode)
          using (var client = new HttpClient())
              client.BaseAddress = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicApiUrl"]);
              client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("apiKey", apiKey.ToString());
              client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("secretCode", secretCode.ToString());
              client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");

              dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content);
              var v = obj.caseGuid;
              string s = v;
              if(s != null)
                  s = s.Trim();

              if(s=="" || s==null)
                  var sResult = await client.PostAsJsonAsync((string.Format("underwritingcase/SubmitEnrollment?state={0}", state)), JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content));
                  if (sResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                      return Json(sResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                      HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)sResult.StatusCode;
                      var errorMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result) ? INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_MSG : sResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                      return Json(sResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                  var uResult = await client.PutAsJsonAsync((string.Format("underwritingcase/UpdateEnrollment?state={0}", state)), JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content));
                  if (uResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                      return Json(uResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                      HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)uResult.StatusCode;
                      var errorMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result) ? INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_MSG : uResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                      return Json(uResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     catch (Exception ex)
         HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
         return Json(ex.Message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Submit or Update API Error Response

If issues occur during processing they will also be displayed in the Response field as shown in the following example.

Submit or Update Error Error Response Format
Submit or Update Error Responses
  • Invalid Credentials
  • apiKey not provided
  • secretCode not provided
  • Content not provided.

````javascript Status : 400 Details: { “Enrollment Data cannot be empty.” }

  • Content is invalid.

Upload Enrollment File Interface

Endpoint POST : /api/underwriting?content=content
Description: This API will return the import status for a File
Query string Parameters: state: String containing state abbreviation. Mandatory
file: The file selected for import. Mandatory
content: String containing the Enrollment File Association data. Mandatory
Request Headers apiKey: apiKey received in email. Mandatory.
secretCode: secretCode received in email. Mandatory
User Interface

In the sample application, go to Underwriting and select the Upload Enrollment File tab.

Enter the State, Api Key, Secret Code, File and File Assocation Data.

The Enrollment File Assocation Data is formatted as shown below:

  1. caseGuid is optional. If the case exists it is Mandatory. If not provided a new case will be created.

  2. brokerLicense is Mandatory.

  3. brokerZip is Mandatory.

After all the required data has been entered click the Upload Enrollment File button to load the file.

On the successful import of the file the API Response is displayed as shown below. Note the caseGuid returned is the same as the one provided for an update to an existing Group or is the new caseGuid created for a new Group submission.

C# Code - UnderwritingFile

public async Task<ActionResult> UnderwritingFile(HttpPostedFileBase file, string state, string content, string apiKey, string secretCode)
        string result = new StreamReader(file.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
        var streamContent = new StreamContent(file.InputStream);
        var imageContent = new ByteArrayContent(streamContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result);
        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            client.BaseAddress = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicApiUrl"]);
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("apikey", apikey);
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("secretcode", secretcode);
            using (var multipartFormDataContent = new MultipartFormDataContent())
                  #region Add Json content
                  var values = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
                       new KeyValuePair<string, string>("symessage_metadata",content),
                  var contentType = file.ContentType;
                  foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> keyValuePair in values)
                       StringContent jsonPart = new StringContent(keyValuePair.Value);
                       jsonPart.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data");
                       jsonPart.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
                       multipartFormDataContent.Add(new StringContent(keyValuePair.Value), String.Format("\"{0}\"", keyValuePair.Key));

                  #region Add File Content

                  var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                  ByteArrayContent byteArrayContent = new ByteArrayContent(streamContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result);
                  byteArrayContent.Headers.Add("Content-Type", contentType);
                  multipartFormDataContent.Add(byteArrayContent, '"' + fileName + '"', '"' + fileName + '"');


                  var fResult = await client.PostAsync((string.Format("underwritingcase/UploadEnrollmentFiles?state={0}", state)), multipartFormDataContent);

                  if (fResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                       return Json(fResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                       HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)fResult.StatusCode;
                       var errorMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result) ? INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_MSG : fResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                       return Json(fResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
    catch (Exception ex)
          HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
          return Json(ex.Message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Upload Enrollment File API Error Response

If issues occur during processing they will also be displayed in the Response field as shown in the following example.

Upload Enrollment File Response Error Format
Upload Enrollment File Error Responses
  • Invalid Credentials
  • state not provided
  • state is not accessible
  • apiKey not provided
  • secretCode not provided
  • Enrollment File Assocation data is not provided or is invalid.
  • Enrollment File exceeds the maximum size permitted. In this case there is a 35MB maximum.


Endpoint POST : /api/enrollment?state=sid
Description: Service to send an Enrollment Application in JSON format as a Request and convert it into an EDI 834 format which further is processed and sent to selected carrier for in-force enrollments only.
Query string Parameters: state: Is 2 letter state code. Mandatory
Request Headers apiKey: apiKey received in email. Mandatory. secretCode: secretCode received in email. Mandatory
User Interface

In the sample application, go to Enrollment and submit the enrollment JSON in the format below:

Enrollment - Request Data Format

  "ClientId": integer, // See table Client ID
  "EmailAddress": string, // Format: (when present, email notification is sent here)
  "CarrierRoute": string, // See table Carrier Routes
  "EventType": integer, // See table Event Types
  "EventReason": string, // OPTIONAL* See table Event Reason Codes
  "EventDate": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY - OPTIONAL*
  "ChangeEffectiveDate": string, // format: MM/DD/YYYY - OPTIONAL only if EventType = 1 (New Enrollment)*
  "Groups": [
      "Name": string, // Group Name
      "TaxId": string, // Format: nn-nnnnnnn,
      "GroupCity": string,
      "GroupState": string, // 2-letter state code, e.g. CA
      "GroupZipCode": string, // 5-digit zip code string
      "GroupOrPolicyNumber": string, // Group Carrier Policy Number
      "RegionCode": string, // 2-letter code, *Applies to Kaiser only
      "EffectiveDate": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY - Group Effective Date (aka Quote Effective Date)
      "Subscribers": [
          "DateOfHire": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
          "HomePhone": string, // Format: 7145551234
          "EmailAddress": string, // Format:
          "AnnualSalary": string, // Format: 0 - OPTIONAL*
          "HoursPerWeek": string, // Format: 0 - OPTIONAL*
          "Language": {
            "Speak": string, // See table Language Codes
            "Write": string, // See table Language Codes
          "EmploymentStatus": string, // "AC" = Active
          "MaritalStatus": string, // OPTIONAL* See table Marital Statuses
          "MaintenanceType": string, // 3-digit length, See table Maintenance Type
          "MaintenanceReason": string, // See table Maintenance Reasons
          "Dependents": [
              "Relationship": string, // See table Relationshiop Codes
              "SocialSecurityNumber": string, // Format: xxxnnyyyy (no dashes)
              "FirstName": string,
              "LastName": string,
              "StreetAddress1": string,
              "StreetAddress2": string,
              "City": string,
              "State": string, // 2-letter state code, e.g. CA
              "ZipCode": string, // 5-digit zip code string
              "County": string, // OPTIONAL*
              "DateOfBirth": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
              "Gender": string, // Format: (M) Male, (F) Female, (U) Unknown
              "IsCobra": string, // Format: (Y) Yes, (N) No
              "Hcid": string, // REQUIRED* when Maintenance Reason = (41) Re-enrollment (HCID = Anthem Member ID / Kaiser Medical Record Number)
              "Coverages": [
                  "CarrierId": integer,
                  "CoverageLevel": string, // See table Coverage Level Codes
                  "ProductCategory": string, // See table Product Categories
                  "PlanName": string,
                  "EffectiveDate": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
                  "GroupOrPolicyNumber": string, // Member Group or Policy Number
                  "CancelCoverageEffectiveDate": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
                  "CoverageType": string, // OPTIONAL*
                  "CoverageAmount": string, // OPTIONAL*
                  "Subgroup": string, // *Applies to Kaiser only
                  "Provider": {
                    "LoopNumber": string, // Default to 1
                    "ProviderId": string, // NPID - *Applies to Anthem only
                    "IdentificationCode": string, // REQUIRED* if enrolling Medical HMO or Dental HMO Product, See table Identification Codes
                    "RelationshipCode": string, // See table Provider Relationship Codes
                    "City": string
                    "State": string, // 2-letter state code, e.g. CA
                    "ZipCode": string, // 5-digit zip code string
                    "EffectiveDateOfProviderChange": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
          "SocialSecurityNumber": string, // Format: xxxnnyyyy (no dashes)
          "FirstName": string,
          "LastName": string,
          "StreetAddress1": string,
          "StreetAddress2": string,
          "City": string,
          "State": string, // 2-letter state code, e.g. CA
          "ZipCode": string, // 5-digit zip code string
          "DateOfBirth": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
          "Gender": string, // Format: (M) Male, (F) Female, (U) Unknown
          "IsCobra": string, // Format: (Y) Yes, (N) No
          "Hcid": string, // REQUIRED* when Maintenance Reason = (41) Re-enrollment (HCID = Anthem Member ID / Kaiser Medical Record Number)
          "Coverages": [
              "CarrierId": integer,
              "CoverageLevel": string, // See table Coverage Level Codes
              "ProductCategory": string, // See table Product Categories
              "PlanName": string,
              "EffectiveDate": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
              "GroupOrPolicyNumber": string, // Member Group or Policy Number
              "CancelCoverageEffectiveDate": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY
              "CoverageType": string, // OPTIONAL*
              "CoverageAmount": string, // OPTIONAL*
              "Subgroup": "", // *Applies to Kaiser only
              "Provider": {
                "LoopNumber": string, // Default to 1
                "ProviderId": string, // NPID - *Applies to Anthem only
                "IdentificationCode": string, // REQUIRED* if enrolling Medical HMO or Dental HMO Product, See table Identification Codes
                "RelationshipCode": string, // See table Provider Relationship Codes
                "City": string
                "State": string, // 2-letter state code, e.g. CA
                "ZipCode": string, // 5-digit zip code string
                "EffectiveDateOfProviderChange": string, // Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Quote Error Response

  • Invalid Credentials
  • apiKey not provided
  • secretCode not provided
  • Missing Information (ex: Group Name, SIC Code, State, or Employee Information)

C# Code - Enrollment

Reference Tables
Table: Client IDs
Client Value
Orion 1
Customer Care EPS 2
GoCo 3
Table: Carrier Routes
Carrier Value
Anthem 100
Kaiser Permanente 102
Table: Event Types
Event Value
New Enrollment 1
Add Coverage 2
Add Coverage Life 3
Add Dependent 4
Update Profile 5
Cancel Coverage 6
Cancel Coverage Life 7
Update PCP 8
Re-Enroll 9
Re-Enroll Life 10
ReInstate 11
ReInstate Life 12
Cancel Dependent 13
Terminate Employee 14
Table: Event Reason Codes
Reason Value
Divorce 01
Birth 02
Death 03
Retire 04
Terminate 07
Active 20
Disable 21
Plan Change 22
Initial Enrollment 28
Table: Language Codes
Language Value
English ENG
Korean KOR
Russian RUS
Spanish SPA
Vietnamese VIE
Table: Marital Statuses
Status Value
Divorced D
Married M
Separated X
Single I
Unknown R
Widowed W
Table: Maintenance Types
Description Value
Change 001
Addition 021
Cancellation or Terminate 024
Reinstatement 025
Audit or Compare 030
Table: Maintenance Reasons
Reason Value
Divorce 01
Birth 02
Death 03
Retirement 04
Adoption 05
Termination of Benefits 07
Termination of Employment 08
Voluntary Withdrawal 14
Suspended 18
Active 20
Disability 21
Plan Change 22
Change in Identifying Data Elements 25
Pre-Enrollment 27
Initial Enrollment 28
Benefit Selection 29
Legal Separation 31
Marriage 32
Personnel Data 33
Lay Off without Benefits 40
Re-enrollment 41
Change of Location or Address 43
Non Payment 59
No Reason Given AI
Member Benefit Selection EC
Table: Relationship Codes
Description Value
Spouse 01
Subscriber 18
Child 19
Domestic Partner 53
Table: Coverage Level Codes
Description Value
Children Only CHD
Dependent Only DEP
Employee Only EMP
Employee and Spouse/Dependent ESP
Family FAM
Spouse Only SPO
Spouse and Dependent SPC
Table: Product Categories
Description Value
Dental DEN
Vision VIS
Table: Identification Codes

*Required if enrolling Medical HMO or Dental HMO Product

Description Value
Primary Care Provider Code PCP Code
PIC – Carrier will assign PIC
Dental Office Number PDO Number
Table: Provider Relationship Codes
Description Value
Established Patient 25
Not Established Patient 26
Unknown 72